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Who is affected by food insecurity?

In America, a significant portion of our community grappling with food insecurity comprises of children, seniors, single-parent households, low-income households, college students, racial and ethnic minorities, rural communities, individuals with disabilities, and America's workforce.


While some face hunger due to transient challenges like sudden job losses or health issues, it’s alarming to note that numerous Americans are just a single paycheck away from food scarcity.


For many, the battle against hunger is a persistent one. Factors such as unemployment, limited transportation access, and health complications often stand as formidable barriers to securing adequate nutrition.


Historically, systemic inequalities and racial disparities have placed our Black and Latino communities at a higher risk of poverty and food insecurity.


The recent pandemic, coupled with soaring inflation and a diminishing federal safety net, has further intensified these disparities, especially for our communities of color.

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