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Statistical Overview Of Food Insecurity

• USDA has reported a significant increase in the number of American households with hunger. According to the latest data, nearly 13% of U.S. households


• Surging Food Insecurity: 44.2 million Americans affected by food insecurity


• Impact of Inflation: The cost of groceries has risen by 33.5%over the past two years, significantly impacting low-income families


• Reduction in SNAP Benefits: Cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) earlier this year have worsened the situation, with Propel’s survey indicating a 7%increase in meal skipping among beneficiaries


• Disproportionate Effect on Vulnerable Groups: Black families and single mother-led households are among the most affected, with over 22% and 33% respectively reporting food insecurity​


  • 1 in 8 households deal with food insecurity

  • 1 in 5 children face hunger

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